Monday, October 22, 2012

Problem Solving: Criminal Justice

              This blog is from MeanRachel titled "An Endorsement: On Problem Solving and Criminal Justice," by Rachel Farris.  This blog mainly talks about Rachel's concerns on the topic of poverty and poor decision-making that is emanate in the area that she lives in.  She includes many examples of the kinds of problems that she is constantly seeing such as homeless people asking for money at her doorstep, people trying to sell Popsicle sticks through a shopping cart, people in need of health care, etc.
              I believe that Rachel's main claim in this article, however, is that some people need to address these problems and make them right. One person she suggested was a man named Charlie Baird who is running for the Travis County District Attorney's Race.  According to his claims, "has part in solving them (criminal problems such as poverty and poor healthcare)."  This is the main reason why Rachel is supporting him and his race to become the district attorney is because she feels like it is one of many ways that she can help solve the problems in her neighborhood.  That is why her intended audience in this case would be people just as herself, living in poverish neighborhoods facing crime everyday and whom want justice.
             I agree on this particular topic (lowering poverty rates and healthcare) because I too have sympathy for those who live in poverty for their entire lives.  I too have experienced this in an early year of my life and I can assure you, it is not pretty.  As for Charlie Baird's cause, I also believe it is a great step in the right position.  Promising the help and give aid to many poverty families, much in Travis county, is a great point to address because sometimes that's all it takes, is a little promise.  A little promise gives many families hope for their, sometimes what feels, hopeless lives, and to shine light where needed.  I hope that in the future, more and more people will enforce many more problems just like these.

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