Monday, October 8, 2012

Is Apple Losing Its Touch?

This news article is from the statesman titled, "Now king of hill, Apple likely to start losing innovative edge," written by Joe Nocera.  This article basically talks about how Apple(the most valuable company in America) is starting to degrade drastically, especially after the death of its chief executive, Steve Jobs.  The author talks about many main flaws in Apple's newest project The iPhone5, such as the new "poorly unmitigated disaster" map application.  It was pointed out that this was a "inexplicable mistake" and many even compared the new application similar to that of MapQuest on a BlackBerry, which we all can inter that it is down there in terms of map technology.

The author's main audience of focus in this article is most likely to all Apple users or fan-boys. According to the way that this author argued you can infer that he does not support Apple much at all, especially after seeing the products produced by after post-Jobs.  He points out multiple times that Apple products in Job's era were so "amazing and innovative" as if they had no flaws at all; which in theory, everything has flaws.

Even so, he still sticks to his claim that Apple is starting to lose their innovative edge, that of which I can agree partially on.  Yes, Apple has made a big mistake by dropping the already great Google Maps to replace with their own product has turned to backfire on them, I'm sure they realize the mistake and will only move on from then.  Apple is still a young company which has many years of improvement ahead of them.

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