Sunday, December 9, 2012

Comment: Rain Water Collection

This is a direct comment to JBaylo's blog titled, "Will Rain Water Save the Day?"  Baylo basically talks about the drought problem that Texas has along with a simple solution that could possibly help stabilize it.  This solution has to do with storing rain water into large containers.  Rain water is 100% safe drinking water and if stored, can be used to help in numerous ways, such as in the case of a terrific drought.  In encouragement, the people who collects rain water can actually get paid through means of rebate.  For ever one gallon of non-pressurized storage you get 50 cents while a gallon of pressurized water gets you a dollar for a maximum of 5,000 dollars, not a bad paycheck if i had to say.

I agree with this move, in terms of encouraging people to collect water.  The more water they collect, the less   they will have to rely on regular tap water and the more chances that a drought would not affect them as drastically as some did before.  What I wouldn't necessarily agree on is the fact that you would need to buy these storage devices and it turns into a type of investment which most would find "not worthy of their time."  The idea is very nice with the perfect approach to this situation, but the fact that their might not be any rain could really hurt the investment plan, even if your goal was to help the drought situation.

In conclusion, I agree with the approach to the drought situation but would encourage a better method to store water with a little more cash return to actually be worth the investment of time.

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