Monday, November 19, 2012

Comment Regarding Voting Turnout Problem

This is a response to an article titled "What's The Problem With Voting?" on a blog called Politically Texas.  This article talks about the recent statistics regarding the relatively low voting turnouts in Texas.  The author says that voting turnout should not be ignored and that something should be done about it.  One particular detail pointed out is that most of the Texas voting eligibility turnout is particularly filled with many "uneducated voters."  The author continues to solve this problem by suggesting a quick and easy political class that could be taken so that many of those who are uneducated can then be educated by what they are actually voting for.  She also points out that it would not just be a class to be taken for fun, but could also be as a sort of college credit course that could give you certain numbers of hours and become educated at the same time, knocking out two birds with one stone.

I particularly like this idea but would argue that turnout for coming to even a FREE class about voting is highly unlikely when going out to cast a single vote is already low in the beginning.  You could make it as interesting as possible but unless this turns into a required coarse to enroll in before you turn 18 as in high school, I won't be positively sure that this would create as great a turnout as other simplistic ideas as making voter registration easier.

All in all I think this was a very well informative post with many great ideas that could greatly increase voter turnout in Texas which we are in dire need of increasing.  I hope there are many more people who agrees as I do and will finally create an easier system for voting and overall increase the voter distribution in Texas.

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